- Adds New York Times back as search engine option.
- Addresses a bug that could cause collections to disappear after syncing between different devices or computers.
- Resolves an issue where user annotations to publications sometimes didn't appear immediately after a synchronisation operation.
- Resolves an issue causing no results to be returned when searching by author using more than just a first or last name in isolation.
- Resolves long-standing issues with the performance of the Wikipedia search engine option.
- Fixes a bug that would cause search terms to become highlighted and potentially overwritten by the user when searching within PDFs using multiple search terms.
- Improves the way that email subjects and body text is formatted when attempting to share a paper via email, in cases when a paper title is empty.
- A message is now displayed to the user when attempting to share a paper via email using unsupported email clients.
- Resolves an issue which meant that the Release Notes for the current version of Papers 3 for Mac were not displayed by default when using the Help -> Release Notes menu option.