Overview of the Changes
Papers 3 brings a completely redesigned and streamlined user interface, offers syncing of all your devices (Mac, iOS and Windows) via Dropbox, automatic PDF download, improved meta data fetching, phenomenal supplementary file handling and viewing and much more.
Papers 3.0.34
- You can now match against more than one paper at a time by selecting multiple library items, and then clicking Papers->Match menu option as you would when matching a single paper.
- Addresses some crashes caused by using specific search engines during matching papers and related operations.
- Addresses a crash that occured when attempting to duplicate a manual collection that contained two or more levels of sub-collections.
- Addresses a cause of a crash on startup under rare circumstances.
- Addresses a crash that occured during synchronising a library under rare circumstances.
- Addresses a rare crash that occured occasionally when failing to authenticate with Web of Science when searching.
- Addresses a rare crash that could occur when editing the notes field for a paper, especially in the fullscreen reader mode
- Addresses a rare crash that occured under some circumstances if the user had enabled automated updates.
- Addressed an issue preventing PDFs from being imported when selecting a PDF from a pinned web-page search result in the Search Engine view.
- Addresses an issue that caused searches with the PubMed search engine to not return any results for several typical search query formats.
- Addresses an issue that would cause papers to be duplicated in your library when importing them into a collection via the Federated Search screen.
- Addresses an issue that caused any editors that were manually added to a paper to not be presented in the Info inspector on subsequent application launches.
- Addresses an issue that prevented a single papers being imported into a collection from the Federated Search screen.
- Addresses an issue that would sometimes cause PDF files to not be given human-readable names in the virtual filesystem view of your library.
- Addresses an issue that caused the Import button to reappear in the Overview inspector of the Federated Search screen when switching to the main library screen and back again.
- Addresses an issue causing any custom file-naming preferences that were set, to be forgotten when closing and re-launching Papers.
- Search fields now improve readability by only shown plain-text formatting, even if you have pasted into a search field from a rich text source.
- Addresses an issue that caused Quick Look to be triggered in some cases when typing in search fields.
- Updated the Citations Styles Language list.
NOTE: We are changing the beta version application number scheme to include a specific build identifier in parentheses. For example, this version is 3.0.34 (109) (as visible in the Papers -> About Papers menu). This change was made to aid our release cycle processes, speed up beta & retail releases of the application and aid customer support.
Papers 3.0.33
- Addresses a cause of a crash on startup under rare circumstances.
- Addresses a crash that occured when attempting to duplicate a manual collection that contained two or more levels of sub-collections.
- Addresses a crash that occured during synchronising a library under rare circumstances.
- Addresses a rare crash that occured occasionally when failing to authenticate with Web of Science when searching.
- Addresses a rare crash that could occur when editing the notes field for a paper, especially in the fullscreen reader mode
- Addresses a rare crash that occured under some circumstances if the user had enabled automated updates.
- Addresses an issue that would cause papers to be duplicated in your library when importing them into a collection via the Federated Search screen.
- Addresses an issue that prevented a single papers being imported into a collection from the Federated Search screen.
- Addresses an issue that caused the Import button to reappear in the Overview inspector of the Federated Search screen when switching to the main library screen and back again.
- Addresses an issue that caused any editors that were manually added to a paper to not be presented in the Info inspector on subsequent application launches.
- Addresses an issue that would sometimes cause PDF files to not be given human-readable names in the virtual filesystem view of your library.
- Updated the Citations Styles Language list.
Papers 3.0.32
- Improves general app stability by addressing several causes of application crashes.
- Addresses a crash on application startup with the previous beta release 3.0.31, when running on OS X 10.7.X.
- Addresses an issue where when importing a PDF from a pinned web-page search result in the Search Engine view, the user was not taken to the imported PDF in the Reader view as expected.
- Addresses an issue that caused searches with the PubMed search engine to not return any results for several typical search query formats.
Papers 3.0.31
- You can now match against more than one paper at a time by selecting multiple library items, and then clicking Papers->Match menu option as you would when matching a single paper.
- Improved app stability by addressing some crashes caused by specific search engines during matching papers and related operations.
- Addressed an issue preventing PDFs from being imported when selecting a PDF from a pinned web-page search result in the Search Engine view.
- Addressed an issue causing any custom file-naming preferences that were set to be forgotten when closing and re-launching Papers.
- Search fields now improve readability by only shown plain-text formatting, even if you have pasted into a search field from a rich text source.
- Addresses an issue that caused Quick Look to be triggered in some cases when typing in search fields.
Papers 3.0.30
- Update the thumbnail and offline web archive of your papers on demand via the new options in "Paper > Update" menu.
- Create a new publication reference by entering a DOI in the "File > New from Reference" menu option.
- Addresses an issue that could cause the application to crash on startup under rare circumstances.
- Faster import when adding a large number of papers in a collection.
- Addresses an issue that was causing Facebook login to fail in some cases.
- Improved overall stability.
- Improved crash reporting.
- Addresses an issue that prevented a user from selecting the current library with the Choose Library dialog.
- Addresses an issue with the Mendeley Import function which would prevent logging in with Mendeley in the app.
Papers 3.0.29
- Update the thumbnail and offline web archive of your papers on demand via the new options in "Paper > Update" menu.
- Create a new publication reference by entering a DOI in the "File > New from Reference" menu option.
- Addresses an issue that could cause the application to crash on startup under rare circumstances.
- Faster import when adding a large number of papers in a collection.
- Addresses an issue that was causing Facebook login to fail in some cases.
- Improved overall stability.
- Improved crash reporting.
- Addresses an issue that prevented a user from selecting the current library with the Choose Library dialog.
- Addresses an issue with the Mendeley Import function which would prevent logging in with Mendeley in the app.
Papers 3.0.27
- Adds New York Times back as search engine option.
- Addresses a bug that could cause collections to disappear after syncing between different devices or computers.
- Resolves an issue where user annotations to publications sometimes didn't appear immediately after a synchronisation operation.
- Resolves an issue causing no results to be returned when searching by author using more than just a first or last name in isolation.
- Resolves long-standing issues with the performance of the Wikipedia search engine option.
- Fixes a bug that would cause search terms to become highlighted and potentially overwritten by the user when searching within PDFs using multiple search terms.
- Improves the way that email subjects and body text is formatted when attempting to share a paper via email, in cases when a paper title is empty.
- A message is now displayed to the user when attempting to share a paper via email using unsupported email clients.
- Resolves an issue which meant that the Release Notes for the current version of Papers 3 for Mac were not displayed by default when using the Help -> Release Notes menu option.
Papers 3.0.25
- Adds New York Times back as search engine option.
- Addresses a bug that could cause collections to disappear after syncing between different devices or computers.
- Resolves an issue where user annotations to publications sometimes didn't appear immediately after a synchronisation operation.
- Resolves long-standing issues with the performance of the Wikipedia search engine option.
- Fixes an issue with the Google Patents search engine option that would sometimes result in dead links or 404 web errors.
- Fixes a bug that would cause search terms to become highlighted and potentially overwritten by the user when searching within PDFs using multiple search terms.
- Improves the way that email subjects and body text is formatted when attempting to share a paper via email, in cases when a paper title is empty.
- A message is now displayed to the user when attempting to share a paper via email using unsupported email clients.
Papers 3.0.24
- Fixed an issue where attempting an "Export to BibTeX" operation would cause the application to crash under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where search token boxes would become seperated from their search field when using search terms that were longer than the search field itself.
Users that also have the iOS app may see a pop-up during launch of the iOS app asking them to upgrade to the latest version, even if they are already using v3.1.5 (which is the latest iOS version). This is due to an internal change to how databases are organised, and will be resolved once the latest iOS update is approved by Apple and available for download. In the meantime, please be assured that the underlying synchronise functionality will still work, and the user can simply dismiss the pop-up that appears on the iOS version of the application.
Papers 3.0.23
- Expanded the functionality of the "Crossref" search option in the Search view and split it into two distinct options. "Crossref DOI" reflects the original functionality and "Crossref Search" which is a new search option.
- You can now add a paper to your library by matching a reference from another paper, using the File -> New Paper -> From Reference... option.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the application to crash during background synching of the library.
- Fixed one major cause of database corruption issues.
- Fixed an issue that was one source of hanging/slowness when closing the application, or when using citations.
- Improvements to application startup time with large libraries containing several different keyword and collection combinations across the library.
- Fixed an issue that would cause performance degradation due to excessive reloading of user collections when adding new results.
- Changed the option in the Help->Troubleshooting menu from "Verify Papers Database" to "Repair Library" to more accurately describe what is happening behind the scenes.
- When launching in Maintenance Mode, within the Library Selection pop-up, the "Verify Library" button has been changed to "Repair Library" to more accurately describe what is happening behind the scenes.
- Fixed an issue where files that where not PDFs would not be attached to their newly-created library item records when importing into a library (either via the drag-and-drop interface or via File -> Import menu).
- Fixed an issue where paper titles would sometimes not be consistent when first importing a paper to your library.
- Fixed an issue where paper titles would sometimes disappear or become inconsistent when switching between different views.
- Fixed an issue where adding or deleting an author on an item in your library using the Info inspector would sometimes cause the Suggested Publications pop-up to appear on top of the Author List view.
- Fixed an issue where assigning a library item as "No color" when it previously had a color flag assigned was not reflected by it being listed in the "No color" section of the Labels view.
Papers 3.0.20
- General performance and sync improvements.
- Bug fixes to prevent database corruption.
- Small UI improvements.
- The library search field now shows the active filter name.
- The Authors mode now shows surname prefixes in the author popover.
- The Papers virtual file system uses real files instead of symlinks and the human-readable file names are now maintained when opening files in another applications.
- The Papers virtual file system includes automatically exported BibTeX files.
Papers 3.0.0
- Added the possibility to browse the Papers library in the Finder using OS X fuse
- Added the ability to view recent articles in a popup
- Added the ability to automatically detect site licenses
- Added the ability to merge duplicate papers
- Added the ability to edit chapters and books
- Added the ability to navigate chapters and books, as well as notes from within the inspector
- Refactored the way we access the database by allowing parallel access
- Switching between papers now clears the web preview
- Recent paper searches are now also available for the Me author
- Updated Citations fade-in and out animations to be faster
- Made Citations more robust against simultaneous database access
- Fixed a layout issue with search results in Citations
- Fixed a crash related to merging of articles
- Fixed a crash that could occur after database verification
- Fixed a crash in the archive exporter
- Fixed a crash while updating the view menu
- Fixed a crash while parsing the WOS authentication cookie
- Fixed a crash while showing author and journal merge hints
- Fixed a crash in the Mendeley importer
- Fixed a crash at startup after syncing with Papers for iOS
- Fixed a crash while opening a paper using the bookmarklet
- Fixed various issues related to batch publication editing
- Fixed an issue with exporting reference lists
- Fixed an issue with correctly displaying certain alt metric question
- Fixed an issue where author information was not added during merging
- Fixed an issue where recent searches would not work right after startup
- Fixed an issue where the search hint would be shown after each startup
- Fixed an issue where Add PDF would not work in the reader mode
- Fixed an issue where command-E would not work in the reader mode
- Fixed an issue where automatic sync would not be triggered
- Fixed an issue where search plugin preferences were not saved
- Fixed an issue with pasting HTML into the search field
- Fixed an issue with displaying author and editors strings
- Fixed an issue with importing pinned results
- Fixed an issue with handling custom styles
- Fixed an issue with editing authors
- Fixed an issue with editing journal in the inspector
- Fixed an issue with switching between different libraries
- Fixed an issue with replacing missing PDFs
- Fixed an issue with the Zotero importer plugin
- Fixed an issue with insertion of extra tab characters in Citations
- Fixed an issue where adding a rating would mark a paper as private
- Fixed an issue where the current PDF would be repeatedly downloaded
- Fixed an issue where the supplemental file drawer would be shown for search results
- Fixed an issue where all papers would be added to a collection instead of certain filtered results
- Fixed an issue with creating smart collections that contain a keyword rule
- Fixed an issue with merging of keywords
- Fixed an issue with twitter authentication
- Fixed a layout issue with hidden inspector palettes
- Fixed a layout issue with truncated inspector palettes
- Fixed a layout issue with bottom inspector palettes
- Improved dropbox syncing
- Improved old-papers-library merging
- Improved handling of pasted search queries
- Improved searching of Pubmed with long titles
- Improved description of general notes field in the inspector
- Improved retina display compatibility
- Added additional safety measures against accidental deletions of papers
- The web preview URL address now stays in sync with browsing
- Better handling of notes during paper merging
- EZproxy settings are now correctly migrated from Papers2
- Livfe reviews are now correctly migrated from Papers2
- Papers now checks if Papers2 is running during migration
- Moved the search section switch button to the middle part of the window title bar
- Updated about box, upgrade images and retina artwork
Papers 3.0 beta 9
- Added filtering of the authors, sources and keywords in the source list of the respective modes
- Improved support for OS X 10.9 Mavericks, where certain UI elements would not be visible
- Improved, more reliable UI for displaying, adding and removing supplemental files
- Added a contextual menu to the supplemental file drawer
- Open with... and Reveal in Finder menu items now work on the currently displayed (supplemental) file
- Improved UI to deal with publication dates, including the option to remove a date and use partial dates (e.g. year only) and added support for BC dates
- Inspector and preview visibility are now properly stored and restored across app startups
- Full screen status is now properly stored and restored across app startups
- Fixed an issue where the preview panel would disappear
- Fixed an issue where Papers archives would only import a single paper
- Fixed an issue where authors were not indexed during migration and could not be searched
- Fixed an issue where notes could not be searched
- Fixed an issue where the search field would split queries when it would encounter lowercase operator names
- Fixed an issue where search engine preferences (like the Scopus ID) would not be persisted
- Fixed a crash on Web of Science webpages
- Fixed a visual glitch with the number of open reader tabs in fullscreen mode
- Fixed an issue where the cmd-1 to cmd-4 shortcuts would work differently in fullscreen mode
- Fixed an issue where new keywords with a number as suffix could not be created
- Fixed an issue where cite keys were not properly shown in the inspector
- Fixed an issue where note editing would end upon hitting return
- Fixed an issue where search and match were incorrectly displaying "No results available"
- Fixed an issue where the inspector would not refresh after metadata editing
- Fixed an issue with filtering sub collections in the collections picker
- Fixed an issue where the tag icon would stay highlighted in the inspector
- Fixed an issue with fuzzy text in the inspector during editing
- Fixed a crash when repeatedly using the keyword picker
- Fixed a crash on Mavericks in the star rating cell
- Fixed a crash while using the bookmarklet
- Fixed a crash when exporting reference lists without styles available
- Fixed a crash when using the command-shift-O keyboard shortcut
- Fixed a crash when parsing certain websites for DOIs
- Fixed import of PDFs from Mendeley
- Reactivating a copy of Papers now removes the trial notice
- Added support for site license keys
- Added a new troubleshooting menu under Help that allows various maintenance options
- Improved support for Retina displays
Papers 3.0 beta 7
- Added back an easy way to search for recent papers from authors, sources and keywords (more to come in next betas)
- Added additional safety against hitting spider traps or overloading websites
- Added ability to sync manually or automatically (default)
- Fixed various stability issues and crashes
- Fixed an issue where thumbnails would not be created
- Fixed an issue where certain files were not indexed by spotlight
- More reliable migration from Papers2
- More reliable file renaming in case a library is synced through dropbox
- Improvements to library file size to speed up syncing
- Improved progress indication during sync
- Much improved stability and reliability of syncing
- Improved progress indication during search and matching
- Improved metadata detection in webpages
- PMCIDs are now extracted for relevant articles
- Fixed an issue where recalculating author and source metadata would cause a hang
- Fixed an issue where activation would fail on machines with a replaced logic board
- Fixed an issue where inspector metadata was clipped
- Fixed an issue where the bookmarklet would not trigger Papers3
- Fixed a number of drawing artifacts
Papers 3.0 beta 2
- Added author and journal merging, these can simply be dragged on top of each other to merge
- Added a preference option to always show the status and selection info
- Added a first set of retina icons and art-work
- Fixed various stability issues and crashes
- Fixed an issue with Crossref parsing
- More reliable and faster migration from Papers2
- Improved progress indication during first run
- Improved stability of syncing
- Improved reliability of PDF syncing
- Improved workflow for sync setup in the preferences
- Improved sync progress indication
- Improved handling of duplicate PDFs
- Improved automatic detection of PDFs and weblinks
- Various improvements to the inspector
Papers 3.0 beta
- Initial release
Papers for iOS
We advise to upgrade to Papers3 for iOS, this completely new version of Papers for iOS is available in the iTunes App Store.
Up next
Have a look at our roadmap to see what's up next: