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A PDF wasn't identified or incorrectly identified after being imported - how do I fix it?

When you first import a PDF, ReadCube searches online databases to automatically identify it. This allows ReadCube to display the full details of the article and export the correct citation. This process is also necessary to Enhance PDFs (when available). If an imported PDF is not identified or is incorrectly identified, here's how to fix it:For an incorrectly identified paper, right click on it in the Library and select "Unmatch". Select the paper again (either manually Unmatched or one that wasn't identified initially). Click "Help ReadCube Resolve Article" in the right panel if the PDF is likely to be found in Pubmed/Google Scholar. 

This opens the PDF. Please highlight-select the relevant text - such as the title - and click on the metadata type in the popup menu. This fills in the metadata form in the right side. Alternatively, you can directly type in the metadata for the article you want to match to.

Once you've filled in some basic details, click "Find Match". Please note, you can switch between PubMed or Google Scholar using the drop-down menu in the bottom right.

If the correct article is found and listed, just double-click on it to match the PDF. This will be immediately updated in the desktop app and become available for citations.

Alternatively, if the PDF cannot be found in PubMed/Google Scholar, you can always enter metadata manually for any reference. Just right click on the PDF listing in your library and select "Edit reference". This brings up the metadata editing form. Just click the Save button in the bottom right when you're finished.

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