This is a pre-release beta version of Papers for Mac, intended for testing upcoming features and gathering feedback. Before updating to a pre-release version of Papers for Mac, please make a backup of your Papers Library. If you experience any issues, or have any feedback, please contact our support team.
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New Features
Matching UI
- Need to access your PDFs while matching? We now present the matching panel as a floating window (rather than a popover), so you can move or resize the panel as you wish.
- You can also add queries to match searches by control-clicking on content in the reader view, then selecting "Match with Selection" from the context menu.

- If you have any feedback regarding these changes, please contact our support team.
- Papers now uses HTTPS when checking for updates.
- Papers will now leave full screen mode when placed into a mode that doesn't support full screen.
- The search token popover will now follow the main Papers window if it is moved or resized.
Known Issues
- In Mac OS 10.10 and newer, the loupe icon in the search box is not currently visible. You can still click in the space where it should appear to apply search filters.