New Features
- Citekeys included in annotation notes are now clickable inside the Notes & Marks section of the Notes inspector view.
Performance & Usability Fixes
- Addresses a bug which ocassionally prevented a user from syncing with a library hosted on Dropbox.
- Addresses a rare occurence of changes being synched from one device to another being lost.
- Addresses a crash observed when collapsing collections with more than one level of sub-collections in the left sidebar.
- Addresses a bug causing authors to not be added (and existing authors to be removed) when merging with PubMed metadata on import or matching.
- Addresses a bug where shared collections were sometimes shown multiple times when importing seach results to a collection.
- Addresses a bug that unsaved changes to an annotation note to be lost if clicking on a Citekey link inside that note.
- Addresses a rare case where a user's Dropbox synchronisation settings were not reflected in the Papers -> Sync menu options.
Changes introduced in 3.0.36 (133)
New Features
- An updated UI look for improved readability and ease of use.
- Adds the ability to use the "Add to Collection" and "Show in Collection" right-click menu options with papers within your Papers Online collections.
Performance & Usability fixes
- Addresses an issue that caused the previous Papers 3 for Mac beta release to not be able to use a library that was created with recent Papers 3 for Windows or Papers 3 for iOS beta releases.
- Further improvements to performance & stability with the new syncing engine.
- Addresses an issue that caused imported PDFs from pinned search results to not be added to the user's library.
Changes introduced in 3.0.36 (132)
- Annotation References: Universal CiteKeys added to PDF notes can be clicked to open the corresponding paper in your library, or performs a search for them if they don't exist.
- Marking papers as private will prevent them from being added to Shared Collections.
- Original files moved to your Papers library will now be moved to the trash, rather than be deleted.
Scripting Improvements
Learn more about AppleScript support in Papers 3 on our blog, or leave feedback and suggestions on our discussion board.
- The
preferred name
property of thepublication item
class no longer causes an AppleScript error. - The
property of thepublication item
class is now writable. This allows you to set your own CiteKeys via AppleScript. - All
library item
subclasses (e.g.publication item
) now have anitem url
property. This returns the item'spapers3://
URL. This URL can be used to uniquely identify an item. For publications, you can also use it to open its corresponding publication in Papers (see below).
Performance Improvements
- Citations launches significantly faster.
- Improves syncing performance and reliability.
- Improved reliability when using Papers Online.
Bug Fixes
- More reliable matching when using the New York Times search engine.
- No longer introduces erroneous search results in your library after syncing.
- Removes a false "Database Verification Failed" error message when verifying your library.
- Improves PubMed search when searching for longer titles.
- Improves identifying libraries in the library selection sheet after holding ⌥ at launch.
- Resolves inability to select certain libraries.
Changes introduced in 3.0.35 (127)
Addresses an issue present in the previous Beta release (3.0.35 (126)) causing cached search results to sometimes appear together with actual imported publications in the user's library (Note this is resolved during a one-time operation on starting Papers - depending on the number of extra publications present in the library this may take several seconds to complete. Subsequent app launches will not be affected.)
Addresses an issue that caused PDFs and annotations to not be imported to the library when importing a Papers Archive file.
Changes introduced in 3.0.35 (126)
Exciting new features: Papers Online, improved synchronisation, scripting support
NEW! Free Papers Online services for the Mac, Windows and iOS, and your favourite web browser!
- Share collections of papers with your colleagues.
- Save papers for reading later in your Papers Online "Reading List". We have upcoming browser plugins for Chrome, Safari and Firefox for you to access and add to your reading list as well as the Mac or iOS app, and the web interface at
- We are only getting started with adding online services to supplement your Papers experience. Please tell us what you think via [email protected]!
NEW! Re-designed library synchronisation. After a careful look at the speed of and bandwidth use during library synchronisation, we rebuilt a much faster and more reliable data synchronisation experience and are now ready to release it. There is no longer a need for lock files either.
- *NOTE! to sync this beta version with Papers for iOS, you will need to use Papers for iOS 3.1.8 beta version using Testflight. Please sign up to Papers for iOS beta access here *
NEW! Scripting support: Papers can now be automated with AppleScript and, coming with OS X 10.10 later this year, with JavaScript. You can script fetching data from a Papers library, manipulating it, or execute commands such as import, export or match. Enjoy!
- Read more about Papers AppleScript support from our blog: Scripting Papers
- Papers AppleScript getting started guide
- Scripting support and feature suggestions
Improved stability and performance
- Fixes an issue whereby book records would get presented with incorrect inspector fields.
- Fixes an issue with importing papers from the "Related articles" view into your library.
- Fixes an issue whereby updating the app would fail when using Papers with OSX 10.10 (Yosemite) Developer Preview.
- Fixes a crash that could affect the app when importing or synchronising large amounts of data.
- Fixes a rare crash when viewing papers with no associated type metadata (paper, book, etc).
- Fixes a rare crash when attempting to open corrupt PDFs in Papers.
- Fixes a rare crash caused by using Papers 3 for Mac together with Papers 3 for Windows beta version.