- You can now match against more than one paper at a time by selecting multiple library items, and then clicking Papers->Match menu option as you would when matching a single paper.
- Addresses some crashes caused by using specific search engines during matching papers and related operations.
- Addresses a crash that occured when attempting to duplicate a manual collection that contained two or more levels of sub-collections.
- Addresses a cause of a crash on startup under rare circumstances.
- Addresses a crash that occured during synchronising a library under rare circumstances.
- Addresses a rare crash that occured occasionally when failing to authenticate with Web of Science when searching.
- Addresses a rare crash that could occur when editing the notes field for a paper, especially in the fullscreen reader mode
- Addresses a rare crash that occured under some circumstances if the user had enabled automated updates.
- Addressed an issue preventing PDFs from being imported when selecting a PDF from a pinned web-page search result in the Search Engine view.
- Addresses an issue that caused searches with the PubMed search engine to not return any results for several typical search query formats.
- Addresses an issue that would cause papers to be duplicated in your library when importing them into a collection via the Federated Search screen.
- Addresses an issue that caused any editors that were manually added to a paper to not be presented in the Info inspector on subsequent application launches.
- Addresses an issue that prevented a single papers being imported into a collection from the Federated Search screen.
- Addresses an issue that would sometimes cause PDF files to not be given human-readable names in the virtual filesystem view of your library.
- Addresses an issue that caused the Import button to reappear in the Overview inspector of the Federated Search screen when switching to the main library screen and back again.
- Addresses an issue causing any custom file-naming preferences that were set, to be forgotten when closing and re-launching Papers.
- Search fields now improve readability by only shown plain-text formatting, even if you have pasted into a search field from a rich text source.
- Addresses an issue that caused Quick Look to be triggered in some cases when typing in search fields.
- Updated the Citations Styles Language list.
NOTE: We are changing the beta version application number scheme to include a specific build identifier in parentheses. For example, this version is 3.0.34 (109) (as visible in the Papers -> About Papers menu). This change was made to aid our release cycle processes, speed up beta & retail releases of the application and aid customer support.